The Beauty of New Beginnings

2 min read

Written 90% Suze, 10% AI

The Beauty of New Beginnings

How to rock the fall market.

It’s back to school and back to work week.  September has always felt more like a new year or a new beginning to me than January 1st.     This is especially true this year as I have just returned from 3 months sailing solo on the North Coast of British Columbia.   I documented my thoughts in this blog.   

 As the dog days of summer come to an end and we set back into a more scheduled and routine existence, we can choose to make it a new beginning.  As entrepreneurs, we are constantly assessing and adjusting how we spend our time and energy.   What if we were committed to consciously making the very most of our scarce resources?   

I know from my 18 years coaching and training REALTORS® that mindset is the number one thing that differentiates the highly successful from the mediocre.   Mindset is more than just positive/negative, optimistic/pessimistic or open/closed.  An effective mindset is growth oriented, deeply curious and free of judgement.   A learn-it-all approach versus a know-it-all approach.

Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft emphasizes this mindset shift as a key part of his strategy to transform Microsoft’s culture. He believes that adopting a “learn-it-all” attitude, rather than a “know-it-all” approach, helps individuals and organizations maximize performance.

Creating a powerful and effective mindset is the first important step but keeping that mindset as the world conspires to overwhelm us with tasks and irritations is quite another. 

I arrived back from my solitude adventure calm, curious and really excited to create my new chapter.  It’s only been a week and already I feel the familiar threads of anxiety and overwhelm creeping in.   Where does this baggage come from?  Do I really need this suitcase full of worries, fears and past traumas?   What if I ditch the checked bags and travel light with a carry on with just my present needs?    (Ah, that feels better already)

Our world is evolving and there are lots of things we can worry about but if we want to have happy, successful and meaningful lives, managing our mindset is essential. That doesn’t mean ignoring what’s happening in the world, it means choosing a learner mindset that is deeply seated in curiosity and letting judgement and comparison fade away.   It means accepting that there is much we don’t know and that our commitment to continuous learning is the key to our fulfillment.   It means making a conscious decision about our thoughts and feelings consistently.  It takes discipline, focus and support.   The Nature of Real Estate has always been committed to building a community that provides these essential elements for success in real estate.   I hope you will consider joining us this fall.