Negotiation GROuP Coaching
This Negotiation Coaching Program is for REALTORS® who have taken a Negotiation Training Course with Suze. If you are new to The Nature of Real Estate, I recommend you begin with the Accredited Real Estate Negotiator (AREN) designation course.
AREN Information and registration here.
Mastering Negotiation is a lifelong learning curve. Negotiations are complex, nuanced and important. You ability to negotiate on behalf of your clients and yourself is critical to your long term success.
When do you negotiate in real estate? Right – all the time.
In these one hour live sessions, 3 times per month, we will dig deep into the negotiations that you are experiencing in your day to day real estate practice. We will apply the negotiation principles, practice various approaches and debrief the outcomes. The learning is unbeatable.
Mastering negotiation skills will give you the confidence to step into any situation in real estate knowing you have the tools to manage whatever comes at you. You’ll start to enjoy the process and you’ll start getting great results.
Many people want to have the language and communication skills that Suze displays in the various negotiation courses. The way to learn these skills is through deliberate practice, group discussions and facilitated debriefs with Suze.
Our drop out rate in these coaching groups is less than 10%. That is way below the industry average and we don’t even bind you with a contract. We ask for a verbal commitment of six months but we won’t hold you to it if you find that is just isn’t for you.
Your group will be a maximum of 10 people. They will be non competing agents, with a similar approach to real estate and hold similar values. Suze will be carefully curating the groups for the best possible fit.
Negotiation skills are essential in real estate for both getting clients and getting deals done.
Get More Clients
Get More Deals Done
Get Better Results
Build a Consistent Business
We have two established mastermind groups focussed on negotiations currently running. They are both high functioning groups with very committed members doing great work. I am planning to start two new groups in December and January and am accepting applications now. Email me (suze@thenatureofrealestate.com) to set up a time to chat and see if one of the groups would be a good fit for you. All of our communications are strictly confidential.
This coaching program is not about lead generation although we do talk about the language to build the trust required to attract new clients.
Now accepting new applicantions
Negotiation Coaching
There will be three sessions per month and the dates and times of these sessions will be set on or before the 25th day of the previous month.
If you are unable to attend any session, there will be a recording made available to you.
Email Suze@thenatureofrealestate.com to book a consultation and see if this is a good fit for you.

You’ve taken some negotiation training and you can see how these skills could be massively beneficial to both you and your clients, but you are not sure how to implement them into your conversations.
You don’t want to be salesy, using scripts and old school sales tactics, and you know that the right language is essential for earning the client and for successful offer negotiations.
How do you master negotiation skills? Harvard says it best: “Practice, practice, practice.”
With a maximum of 10 people in a group, you’ll have ample opportunity to get that elusive deliberate practice that is so necessary to mastery of real estate sales.
Suze has decades of experience in real estate negotiations and in this program, Suze shares her knowledge through role play, rehearsals and debriefs. You’ll have a chance to bring your unique obstacles and barriers and see how Suze melts resistance and gets to yes.
Whether you are trying to earn a listing, deal with a difficult agent, bring two parties together or any other tricky real estate situation, this is the program that will give you the language skills and negotiation tools to succeed every time.
This program is for experienced negotiators who have previously taken a negotiation course with Suze.
The Real Estate industry is evolving, your interpersonal skills will set you apart.
See how our courses have helped real estate professionals across Canada achieve their professional goals and assist with cultivating their future success.