This crisis is first and foremost, a health crisis and COVID-19 is a big deal.  It will kill hundreds of thousands of people across the Globe and cripple our health care systems. People with medical needs not related to COVID-19 will not get the care they need.

Your physical health matters.   Take the recommended steps to physically distance yourself, self-isolate and quarantine as recommended by the government.  Disinfect things that come into your home and be aware of anything you touch outside of your home.  Wear gloves, wash your hands, be diligent.

Don’t get injured or sick.  While we are all focussed on COVID-19, we also need to focus on not getting injured.  A broken leg, deep cut or head injury is much more serious when medical care is difficult to get.   I love to mountain bike and I won’t be riding any trails until this is over.  Don’t take risks that could put you or your family in a situation of needing medical care.

While physical health is critical, I am equally concerned with people’s mental well-being.  The restrictions we are under and the stresses many of us are feeling will lead to significant mental health issues in the population.  I’m not a therapist and won’t offer any expertise where I don’t have it but take this possibility seriously for you and the people closest to you.

We will all need to manage our mental wellness.  Perhaps for you, it is yoga or meditation. It could be running, reading, laughing, crafts, creating or cooking.  Prioritize it now more than ever and feel good about making it important.  The amount of really cool stuff that is on the internet for free to help us through this crisis is amazing.