Adventure as a Mindset

2 min read


Adventure as a mindset

Permission to Play

As you read this, I am likely near Port Hardy, the halfway point between the inside and outside legs of our VanIsle360 sailing race. I am writing this at the dock as we complete our final preparations for departure.

I’ve searched out wilderness adventures for as long as I can remember and have had some incredible experiences. I am grateful.

My appetite for adventure and the broad perspective these challenges provide have been critical for me.

Mindset is the single most important element in a person’s potential for success. This is true in sports, art, business, and life. As I prepare to speak to a room full of people, facilitate a course, or have a one-on-one conversation with a client, I focus on how to help people shift their mindset. If I can be successful at that, the interaction will be valuable to them.  

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams”

– Oprah Winfrey

Mindset is far more important than content. 

For me, adventures ensure an open, creative, and curious mindset because, without these experiences, things can go badly. Adventures are guaranteed to challenge you physically, mentally, emotionally, and intellectually. You just never know what’s going to show up next. 

I’m sharing this in the hopes that it will inspire you to give yourself permission to make time and space for things that are important to you outside of real estate. You don’t need to hang off the side of a cliff or face the demons of the sea. It could be composing a poem, exploring a new recipe, or trying a new sport. Anything that is unpredictable, a touch challenging, and enjoyable will help you gain new perspectives and a more success-oriented mindset. 

And when we have an open and curious mindset, remarkable things happen in your business.  

Join me on September 7th when I host Marilee Adams, author of “Change your Questions, Change your Life”, for a special session on how Mindset and Real Estate Success are so tightly intertwined.