CNE and MCNE grads often ask me “What should I do if I end up across the table from a counterpart who also studied the CNE Concepts?”   My response:  Be Thankful.

Negotiating with people who have prepared strategically for the process, gathered the necessary information, and approach the negotiation in a collaborative mindset, increases the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Negotiating is deal making.  We determine the needs of each side and then work on the puzzle of problem solving so that as many of those needs are met as possible.  It’s not about winning and losing but about getting a deal done that satisfies as many of the parties’ needs as possible.   This happens through strategic information sharing, alignment of needs, sensitivity to emotions and psychology, and mutual respect and trust.

Trained negotiators understand the importance of these traits and work hard throughout the negotiation to build the requisite trust and respect.

Working with other highly trained professional negotiators will help you get better results for your clients and for yourself.  You’ll have happier clients, better outcomes, increased repeat and referral business and less stress.

When the other side just wings it, things almost always go badly.

It’s good for the Industry.

We all know that there is a trust and reputation problem with the real estate industry.  A 2017 study by CREA ranked low in trustworthiness. The only two groups that scored lower than us were used car salesmen and Federal MP’s.   While most of the successful agents I know are skilled, ethical and professional – many mediocre agents are not and we are judged by the average.    Getting more agents professionally trained in negotiations improves the industry for all of us.

One of the greatest joys of my work as a negotiation teacher is watching people in the class experience an AHA moment.  It typically starts just before break on the first day as they begin to see what high level negotiations really are.  That AHA builds over the rest of the course as they really embrace learning the skills and are excited to bring this new-found language to skill set to protect and represent their clients.

The Nature of Real Estate is raising the bar of real estate one CNE grad at a time.  Help us save this important industry so that buyers and sellers will continue to have a real live REALTOR® helping them make smart housing decisions.  Don’t keep us a secret.  Let your colleagues know your thoughts on the CNE and the MCNE courses.