LostDeliberate Decisions – the cure to the most common entrepreneurial trap

The pull towards being busy is incredibly strong.  This is especially true for entrepreneurs with our never ending to do lists and our underlying worry around the uncertainty of our revenue stream.

Busy feels effective.  Busy feels safe.  “How are you?” a friend on the street asks.  “Busy, really busy. ”  This has become our standard answer.   We believe it is the right answer.  It makes us feel like we are part of the buzz.

However, there are legitimate questions around the value of busy.  I wrote several months back about frenetic performance vs. peak performance. It’s worth the read.

Sometimes we make ourselves very busy but not very productive.  The busier we get the more difficult it is to evaluate if we are being productive.  We are jumping from activity to activity, never really getting any traction towards our desired goals.

There is a cure for this common entrepreneurial trap – It’s called Deliberate Decisions.  Deliberate decisions are characterized by careful and thorough consideration.  They are characterized by awareness of the consequences.  It is about being unhurried, steady and making decisions that truly move us towards our preferred outcome.

How would your business and your personal life change if you had the courage to make deliberate decisions instead of reacting to whatever shows up?

If you want to build a real estate practice that will give you the credibility, the financial security, and the confidence to enjoy and appreciate the wonderful things that this world has to offer, committing to making deliberate decisions is an important first step.   Once that decision is made, set some goals, make a strategic business plan, and get into action.  Click here to see how we can help.

Don’t do more, be more.