I’m Going to Wait and See – Means, don’t push me.

2 min read


I’m Going to Wait and See – Means, Don’t Push Me

Our communication skills have never mattered more, and it’s not just “active listening” and “questioning” that you’ll need to master to thrive in the emerging era.

The emotions people feel significantly impact how they communicate with us about real estate. Many people are experiencing fear, anxiety, uncertainty, or just plain malaise. This includes people buying and selling real estate, our colleagues, and our negotiation counterparts. If we want to earn clients and close deals in this environment, high-level communication is the most effective learning opportunity.

The world is getting increasingly complicated, which amplifies the need for your interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. Highly effective communication skills result from your understanding of and commitment to the critical nuances of human interaction.

Often, what isn’t said is more potent than what is, and tonality can empower or diminish words instantly. The underlying psychology behind words reflects people’s inner worlds; typically, the words they choose are a portal to their subconscious thoughts.

Sure, it would be nice if they just phoned us up, said they needed to move, and invited us over to list their home, but if it was that easy, a computer could do it.

Right now, we bring enormous value to people who need to sell or buy real estate. We are the human solution that most people need to help them navigate in a time of uncertainty.

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

George Bernard Shaw

Want to up your skill stack? Here are some great opportunities:

Accredited Real Estate Negotiator (AREN) Certification Course
Negotiation Foundations in Real Estate

If this is your first time taking negotiation courses, the AREN is where to start.
The next Certification Course runs October 23rd and 24th, 2023.
Learn More & Register Here

Professional Real Estate Negotiator (PREN) Certification Course
Advanced Negotiation Skills for Real Estate Presentations

The PREN goes deep into understanding how potential clients communicate with us and how we can communicate with them to earn their trust and business.
The next Certification Course runs September 19th and 20th, 2023.
There are still a few spots left.
Learn More & Register Here

Group Coaching
Negotiation and communication focused.
We have two spots in this established coaching group of high producers.
We recommend this to Realtors® who produce at least 24 deals per year to benefit the most from this high-level coaching program.
$395 per month, no contracts.
Email Suze to Register
Learn More Here

Accredited Real Estate Coach (AREC) Certification Course
The AREC is the ultimate self-coaching program. Learn how to create the essential environment for the coachee to reach their full potential and excel towards their desired goals. The AREC is an intense three-day course. We accept a maximum of 12 students- you can be assured of a very high-quality learning experience. It is recommended that you have a conversation with Suze before registering to establish if this is a good fit for you. The next AREC is planned for November. We are currently adding those who are interested on to a waitlist.
Learn More Here & View the Syllabus
Add to Waitlist – Email Sam Here
Email Suze to Inquire

One-on-one coaching with Suze Cumming
Great coaching supports you in using your strengths to gain the skills, the mindset, the perspective, and the confidence to reach your full potential. Everyone is unique, and our coaching program is designed to work with every individual to help them find the most effective route to their success.
Coaching Consultation Form
Learn More Here