Inman News published an interesting study on coaching in December of 2015. As you would imagine, the study raised comments that strongly support the notion of coaching as well as some that were strongly opposed and even some referenced real estate coaches as hucksters. Well, not all real estate coaches are the same and there are always some bad apples, but the numbers that came from this study are worth considering.
Nine out of ten respondents said their business climbed by 10% or more during the first year. 55% claimed an increase of between 25% – 200%.
These are impressive results.
Why does coaching work?
High quality real estate coaching helps you to learn while doing which is the most effective way to learn new skills.
What do coaches do?
Take a look at this graph and see how real estate agents, who are benefitting from the services of a coach, explain this:
What are the barriers to coaching? It can be expensive. You can feel trapped in a long term contract. Some coaches are bad at what they do.
We’ve created a new way of looking at real estate coaching that eliminates all of these barriers. Check out our new professional coaching programs. For as little as $375 CDN ($300 USD) per month you can receive two full hours of support from a highly experienced REALTOR® with extensive coach training. No contracts, no guilt and the opportunity to choose the right coach for you.