What Does It Mean to be Good at Real Estate?
Of course, it is that we deliver amazing service to our clients.
We have the emotional and social intelligence to understand their interests and needs, we have the market knowledge to guide them in their decisions, we have the legal and financial acumen to protect them, we have the problem-solving skills to avoid the inevitable challenges and we have the negotiation skills to obtain the best possible outcome for them. In addition, we have the social maturity to maintain professional relationships with our clients, past and present and with our colleagues in real estate that we collaborate with on transactions. Our communication skills are highly developed so that our clients feel confident in our ability to serve them in this important life-altering transaction.
Or does it mean that we make the most money?
Are you spending your time, money and energy learning how to get clients? Or are you doing the important work of getting good at real estate? Attracting clients is essential and being good at real estate is the easiest way to attract them.
What does it mean to you to be good at real estate?