I’m back and feeling energized, optimistic and enthusiastic about all the opportunities that real estate offers us.
Obviously, COVID has changed our world and when the world changes, people who adapt, thrive.
That’s you, and me, and a whole bunch of people that are making important decisions about how to be in this new world. For many of them, this means a change in housing and they need us to help them get it right.
My 10-week sabbatical sailing around the BC coast was an incredible adventure. While it wasn’t always easy, it was always interesting and I learned a lot about my boat, our natural world and importantly myself.
When COVID descended on us in March, like many, I was scared. It felt like a monster of uncertainty with long unknown tentacles. That uncertainty hasn’t really resolved itself but my time in the natural world reminded me that nothing is ever certain, change is inevitable and acceptance and adaption are critical. So, let’s get to work.
Our people need us. They are making important decisions that will have significant impacts on the happiness and well-being of them their families. Real Estate professionals who take up the challenge to be present, empathetic, strategic and proactive have never had a better opportunity to thrive.
Sharpen your skills, clear your mindset, commit to a kind and ethical approach and be a successful part of the emerging future.
It has been so exciting to come home to such a buoyant market and such creativity, adaptability and optimism in the agents I have been speaking with.
The tech companies who were disrupting the real estate business got side swiped by the pandemic.
Agents who are self-absorbed, money focussed and untrained will struggle in this market.
Now is your time to shine.
Let us know how we can help you. Our coaches are eager to show you how to get out in front and the online CNE and MCNE courses are being offered in a small interactive group environment. I’ll be back to weekly blogging and would love to hear from you on what sort of content would help you the most.
If you are curious about my sabbatical adventures, Click here for a slide show.