Are you getting together with family and friends over the next couple of days?  I hear a lot about anxiety and tension over the holidays and a lot of it seems to summit in the next couple of days.

I’ve put together a short, sweet guide to not only survive the festivities, but perhaps even thrive.

  1. Watch:   In the same way that you watch a movie, watch the goings on without expectations or judgments.  When we let go of what we expect to happen, we open up the opportunity to enjoy what does happen.
  2. Wonder:  When we wonder about people or situations, we open up the potential for awe and astonishment.  Allow yourself to be curious.
  3. Align: If we can align with others rather than wishing they were aligned with us, we alleviate much of the friction in social situations.
  4. The F Word: Forgiveness – By choosing to forgive you release negativity and clear space for happiness to set in.  I borrowed this one from Gabrielle Bernstein’s blog on Happiness. 

Four simple steps to make the next few days easier, more entertaining and perhaps even wonderful!

Happy Holidays from Suze, Jennie, Vivian, Judy, Michele, Todd and Armand.

elf xmas dinner