The only thing that is constant is change – Heraclitus of Ephesus 535BC-475BC

The Real Estate Negotiation Institute has made some foundational changes to the CNE and the MCNE designations. These changes were rolled out in the US this past spring with huge success. Real Estate professionals are excited about the changes as they offers more choice, more flexibility and it is now easier to obtain your Master’s designation.

These changes are being implemented in Canada beginning September first.

You can now take the CNE1, CNE2 and CNE3 in any order to obtain your Master’s designation – the MCNE.

For people who do not yet have their CNE designation, you will now receive a designation for any one of the three courses. You still need all three courses to obtain your MCNE.

Learn how to use your CNE and MCNE designation to build a very successful real estate business.

The Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE)® and the Master Certified Negotiation Expert (MCNE)® designations offer you an enormous opportunity to win business from your competition. Both the skills and the designation are crucial to your ability to show potential clients why you are the very best choice.


As real estate professionals, we are no longer the purveyors of information and our value increasingly lies in our ability to create better experiences and produce better outcomes for our clients. High level negotiation skills allow us to do that consistently and a professional negotiation designation lets people know we have these valuable skills.

Use your designation to open doors.

Not only should your designation be on your business card but the CNE or the MCNE logo should be on all of your marketing material. Our top performing graduates are using their designation to position themselves as the negotiation expert in their markets. Through blog posts, social media, personalized letters and other leading edge marketing techniques, they are letting people know they have a valuable skill set that differentiates them from their competition.

If you asked a potential buyer or seller if negotiation skills are important to them, what would they say?

Yes – of course.

So ask them and then follow up with information about your high level skills and how they will benefit that client.

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Once a client commits to you, use your CNE and your MCNE skills to truly create an incredible experience for them and to obtain the very best possible results. If you do this consistently, word will get out and you will have an abundance of high quality clients.