How many people do you need to have a conversation with to unearth one good real estate lead?
How many good real estate leads do you need to get one appointment to talk about listing or buying a home?
How many appointments do you need to get one qualified committed client?
How many qualified committed client’s do you need to get one firm transaction?
These the answers to these questions equate to conversion rates; these are the numbers that matter when it comes to real estate sales. Conversion rates are measurable. Your conversion rates are directly related to your skill level in several key areas. There is no need to worry, as these skills are learnable.

The key skills are: Intentional listening, powerful questions, presence, negotiation, persuasion, rapport building, intelligence gathering, and human psychology.
To get exceptional at these skills, you need to get your own self talk out of the way so that you can be fully attuned to the people that you want to serve. You can learn to do that with an Unscripted Sales approach.