Would you like people who need to buy and sell real estate to reach out to you? Wouldn’t our life as real estate sales professionals be amazing if people called us up instead of having to chase them down?

Imagine life as a REALTOR without prospecting, real estate sales calls, and the associated *solicitousness.

Well, IQ, SI and EI may be the keys to creating a modern, leading edge real estate sales business that will make you excited to wake up every day.

Let’s take a look at the definitions:

EI or Emotional Intelligence: The ability to identify and manage our own emotions and the emotions of others.

SI or Social Intelligence: The ability to get along well with other people and to get them to cooperate with you.

IQ or Intellectual Quotient: A number used to express the apparent relative intelligence of a person as established by a standardized test.

Let’s reflect on these definitions in light of what some of the greatest thinkers of our time are saying:

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It becomes pretty clear that both EI and SI matter if we want to thrive in the new economy, the connection economy.

Old school sales techniques are like flat earth believers.

If you are still memorizing scripts, forcing yourself to make cold calls and suffering from the anxiety of being in conflict with your values, it’s time look to your emotional and social intelligences and begin to leverage these important human skills to build the real estate sales business you deserve.

So which one is trump?

Social Intelligence is often referred to as interpersonal skills and Emotional Intelligence as intrapersonal skills. Real Estate Sales 4

Emotional Intelligence would come into play in situations where emotions, yours or others, threaten to interrupt or even derail a sale. This could happen if your prospective seller tried to get you to reduce your commission or perhaps a buyer client wants to use a home inspection to work the seller over. Awareness of our own and others emotional responses at these times can be the difference between an emotional reaction that threatens the sale and a strategic response that smooths the way to a successful transaction.   When we are successful at managing emotions on all sides of the table, we will have more transactions and equally as important, we will have satisfied client who will be happy to share their experience with others.

Social intelligence could help us anytime we are having a conversation with someone. If our social awareness leads us to behave in a way that is comfortable and appealing to the other person, we are able to build rapport quickly. Imagine speaking with people at an open house and having the social intelligence to get them to enjoy engaging in conversation with you and wanting to have further interaction with you. Now consider that you could have this effect in any conversation at any time.

So which is trump?

I’d love to hear from you on this very cool subject.

*Solicitousness: A word invented by Suze to describe the behavior of real estate salespeople who are constantly soliciting business from friends, family and strangers.