Soar to Success on the Wings of a Guilt-Free Business
2 min read
Soar to Success on the Wings of a Guilt-Free Business
Guilt is a nasty emotion that can overwhelm us with regret, anxiety, and worry. It can lead to self-doubt, decreased self-esteem, and shame.
And while we can try to fake our behaviour, our ability to attract great clients when we are in this psychological place is severely impacted.
On the other hand, when you feel confident, proud, calm, and creative, you’ll attract significantly more and better clients.
Getting rid of guilt is simple. (but not always easy)
Do the right thing, always, even when it is hard.
The agents I coach all run guilt-free businesses, and most of them are making high 6 or 7 figure incomes.
Doing the right thing is a combination of behaviours. Here’s a partial list:
- do everything in service of the client or prospective client, not you, the agent. (Harder and more complex than you think)
- have the skills required to protect and represent your client. (see this blog post)
- Stop being a consultant; none of us know where the market is going. You’ll be wrong a lot.
- Share everything you know that could affect their decision.
- Frame your personal opinions in a way that informs your clients but doesn’t limit their options.
- Allow them to make their decisions. They know them better than you know them.
While these things may seem obvious on the surface, as a 37 year veteran in real estate and the facilitator of learning for hundreds of agents each month, I can assure you that most realtors are doing actions and behaviours that leave them feeling guilty.
Much of traditional real estate training teaches you to do stuff that’s not right.
It encourages you to bother your friends and family for business. It suggests you join community groups, volunteer for charities, and attend churches for personal gain. It teaches you to use scripts and techniques to coerce people to make decisions that benefit you.
And this makes you feel terrible – or it should.
I’m guessing you got into real estate so that you could have a fantastic career helping people make important decisions and earning an income that allows you to experience the world in the way you want. Most of us did.
If you got into real estate to make millions on the backs of other people’s bad decisions, this isn’t for you.
Do you want to run a real estate business that you can feel proud of?
Would you like to be respected by your friends and family and appreciated by your clients and colleagues while earning a healthy and sustainable income?
Give up the guilt by giving up the stuff that makes you feel that way.
Stay tuned for new material coming your way to help you Master The Nature of Sales.